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Organic & inorganic

A small selection of my work exploring the positive and negative impacts of human behaviour on the ecologies and environment of freshwater reed-beds. I've used a variety of media for these works, including:


1. Textural paintings:

  1. impending storm

    textural painting - reed beds

  2. night falls

    textural painting, reed beds

  3. fragile earth

    textural painting, reed beds

2. Drawings:

  1. Scrub and reeds

    watercolour drawing

  2. Bittern, reed beds

    watercolour drawing

  3. Reeds

    watercolour drawing

3. Paintings exploring the contrast between constructed environment and natural environment

  1. Jetty

    painting on stretch canvas

  2. Reeds

    painting on stretch canvas

  3. Plastic in reed bed

    painting on stretch canvas

4. Mixed media - combination of paintings & drawings with photography

  1. Bittern in flight

    drawing overlaid on mulptiple photographic images, mixed media

  2. In the reeds

    traffic cone, abandoned in the reeds. mixed media composite work

  3. Reeds

    reed painting, intermingled with photography and overdrawing - mixed media

5. Immersive sound and film

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